Monday, July 5, 2010

SEI celebrates the Fourth of July

Weekend: On July 3rd, the town of Sewanee held its annual 4th of July celebration. My friends and I enjoyed having breakfast at Stirlings, a local coffee shop, and browsing the different attractions like the craft fair and the mutt show. Then, at 1 pm, the SEI group met up on the quad and watched the town's parade together which was a lot of fun. On the actual 4th of July, the SEI group went down to Fiery Gizzard, a local state park, and went on a short hike that ended at a small lake where we jumped off of cliffs and rocks into the water. That night, our group went and listened to a local band called "The Culprits" who played at Lake Cheston, which was followed by an amazing fireworks display. It was a great weekend!

Monday: Today, the whole group went on a hike with Dr. Haskell, a biology professor at Sewanee. We were trying to locate endangered tiger snails that live in Lost Cove, a recent addition to the Sewanee domain. We hiked for the most part in a dried up riverbed where we stumbled over large, moss covered rocks while looking for rare snail shells. We would occasionally stop and listen to Dr. Haskell talk about a distinct bird call or animal species that we encountered. The hike was exhausting: we left at nine in the morning and returned at three in the afternoon. However, it was fascinating and I had fun navigating the rough terrain with the other SEI students. 

Lily Watson

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