Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today Group B woke up early for a long hike down the mountain to the cove. We biked down to Morgan Steep to begin our hike. We examined biodiversity, focusing particularly on snails, in several different locations at varying elevations. Dr. Haskell explained the importance of snails to the surrounding environment, emphasizing their calcium content as a critical nutrient for female birds. We listened for different species of birds in the forest and were able to get responses from the scarlet tanager and the yellow billed cuckoo using recorded bird calls. We were able to find and identify several species of snails throughout our hike. In addition to all of this, our group discovered several small ponds overflowing with tadpoles. We ate a quick sack lunch before the difficult hike back up the mountain.

After we arrived back on the central campus, our group went canoeing on Lake Dimmick. We had a great time exploring the lake, paddling, and swimming.

Tonight after dinner, we are going to the Culprits concert at Lake Cheston. The band is local and includes two of Dr. Evans’s sons. We are looking forward to meeting some of the members of the Young Writers program, another pre-college program currently taking place at Sewanee. All of us are excited for Fourth of July tomorrow!


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