Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hiking Extravaganza!

I am sitting in my room with my roommate and the girls across the hall, waiting to go to dinner and later to go to CVS for snacks and anything else we might need, so I guess this is an appropriate time to write this. Anyway, today was a hiking extravaganza. Group B (the group I’m in) first set out with Dr. Jon Evans on a biodiversity tour of the Domain. This was by far the most interesting thing we have done so far. We hiked to Piney Point, which is a cliff with beautiful views of Shakerag Hollow and other parts of Tennessee nearby. Along the way, we stopped to talk about several places, and Dr. Evans split the group into smaller groups so that we could hypothesize what we thought happened at each of the sites that we stopped. It was awesome to FINALLY get to discuss environmental topics, because the first few days we mostly discussed the history of the University of the South. By the time we got back to campus, everyone was starving, so we ate lunch.

Soon it was time for the second field session of the day. We went on another hike with Dr. John Willis. While a lot of people were tired, it was still fun to get to see even more of the landscape. The hills weren’t as bad as I expected, but I guess being from California, I am used to crazy mountain slopes that we hike up and some of the other people aren’t.

Overall, it was an exciting (and tiring) day and I hope we do more environmental science related things in the days to come!!


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